We are a prayer team headed to Bosnia to support and encourage a partner church, The Evangelical Church of Capljina, which has faced seemingly insurmountable odds, personally as individuals and together as a congregation. The building structure itself has been stoned as little as two years ago. These are a people who have been persecuted, hated and oppressed. Why? Because they love Jesus and they worship Him in a contemporary setting which is as unfamiliar as the land to which we travel. It would be understandable if our brothers and sisters questioned God's provision over the years, both during the war and since. Rebuilding and finding hope among the hopeless has been an indescribable journey.
Now, I want you to picture a familiar setting - your family, clamoring around the dinner table, maybe you are the child, perhaps all grown up, now the parent. Capture the visual in your mind's eye. It could be a special occasion, Thanksgiving? Christmas? The children are jockeying for position. No one is taking the seat at the head of the table, but no one quite knows who's going to sit there, or it could be a given, a non-issue. Finally, everyone is settled in, even the family pet is positioned to receive renegade morsels of runaway goodness. Then, comes the question? "Who will give the blessing?" I know in my house, this usually ends the clamor. Silence falls upon the scene followed by the ritual of eyes darting around the table in chaotic triangular patterns. Finally, someone offers. The food is blessed. God is praised for his provision, and the evening continues without incident.
Last April, I had the opportunity to visit our amazing church family in Capljina for my second trip. As we gathered for a prayer meeting, again I was humbled at how my brothers and sisters pray, so slow to petition but quick to praise and give thanks. At the outset, Pastor Bernard suggested we begin with only praise, all of us, in unison. I ask you once again to picture a setting. There were maybe 15 - 20 people, 8 of us American, all praising El Elyon, God, Our Most High, for who He is, for all He has done, for all He is going to do, for His Providence, for being who He says He is, for delivering His promises, and on and on we went for several minutes in grateful praise and different languages. I don't believe there was a dry eye in the house afterward. Who will give the blessing? Indeed! We all will. And, God will bless us in return. He already has.
I have often said, I don't know who is blessed more by these mission trips, the short-term missionaries, our brothers and sisters we are supporting, or those who support us through prayer, financial support, and encouragment. I just know we are "Blessed by Bosnia." Who will give the blessing? We all will. Won't you join us?
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD. Psalm 150:6
Slava Bogu!
Slava Bogu my sweet Sister! Praying for the team and the church at Capljina today and going forward!
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