At Northpoint Church, we have a relationship with a number of strategic partners around the world, like The Evangelical Church in Capljina, Bosnia - international churches led by indigenous pastors, such as Pastor Bernard, who align with the North Point model. These partnerships are developed through strategic consulting, team trips, and various other resources to help them create churches that unbelievers love to attend. The long-term goal of these relationships is to help these churches become flagship models that will influence other churches within their countries to rethink the way they do church. In post war torn Bosnia, I would render to say a new layer was added to the primary mission of leading others into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Throughout our years together in partnership, we have seen, not just the hearts of the unchurched or unbelievers moved by what is happening through the leadership of Pastor Bernard and his congregation, but the churched as well. Walls which divided cities, villages, a country and a people, also created ethnic and religious barriers, making forgiveness an impossible virtue. Tolerance had no moral position in a country divided. Yet, in a small, unique and unprecedented oasis found on the banks of the Neretva, Muslims (Bosniaks), Croates (Catholics), Serbians (Orthodox) along with our Evangelical brothers and sisters have found a place where all are welcome. Come as you are. God will meet you there. No questions asked. You are forgiven. We are all forgiven. Here you will find love. Pure and simple. And, Peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding.
This October trip will be a very special prayer trip, unlike those in the past. It is the first time we will make the near two day jaunt (with the boost of a 6 hour time difference) since hearing of the changing relationship between Northpoint Community Church, our home, and The Evangelical Church, our strategic partner. It is a bittersweet time. Our partnership has been a successful one. And, like every student must some day leave the nest to fulfill their true purpose, every bird must eventually learn to fly on its own, Northpoint will move on, looking for other partners in other parts of the world; where there is a need and a desire to create relevant church environments, which will draw people back to the heart of Christ or perhaps draw them there for the very first time.
The "bitter" comes when we realize our times together are now limited. We wonder, like the uncertainty that comes with each of life's crossroads, "Will they think we have forgotten them?" As a college student pulls away from his family home, so much excitement and wonder, challenges and growth opportunities, in store, yet how many thoughts and emotions, positive and negative swirl through the graduate's head as well as those left standing on the curb. But, speak to Pastor Bernard, a man full of faith and he remembers our God is faithful.
"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me." Isa 49:15-16

Pastor Bernard knows God is true to His promises. Our invested time together was to create a flagship model and as we came alongside him and his amazing team, we watched them build their vessel. The ship is ready to set sail! This is the "sweet" part. The Evangelical Church is strategically positioned to fulfull the Great Commission in their own part of the world, "to make disciples of all nations" (Mat 28:19), to follow Jesus and become "fishers of men" (Mat 4:19). Hallelujah!
We are so excited to go and be with them, to encourage them in this transitional time full of questions and unknowns, not knowing how God is going to do it, just that He will! The reality is whomever God calls to this church through these amazing vessels of His love and grace, they most likely will not have the income to support the church. Few do, as the unemployment still hovers around 50%. But, we know our God is mighty and sovereign and when we surrender our plans to Him, He will show us the way.
Please pray with us, for us, for them. We are grateful for your support in any way - of this trip, of the Evangelical Church. Praise God for all He has done to bring us to this day, for all of His abundant blessings. May the name of Jesus become famous in this region so wrought with the need of His healing touch.
In His grip,
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