Last Friday, we had the amazing privilege to be in Capljina during the "Dan Kruha" or "Day of Bread." I've learned many countries celebrate this feast of bread and baking (see button in the side bar), often in coordination on October 16 and have for years. I'm not certain of the origin, but feel free to post if you can shed light on it. For us, it was a welcome first stop on our prayer walk. Most of the primary school children brought breads and pastries to the town square and sold their goods to benefit the disabled children we worked with on Wednesday evening.

It was incredibly festive as several of the schools represented donned themselves in native costume adding to the flavor of the festivities. Of course, we could not get rid of our kuna (the local currency) fast enough for either the delicous treats, the delightful smiles it brought to the children's faces or in knowing our new friends would be the benefactors. Sadly, there was a presence missing, however. As I read more about this day of celebration, from Israel to Germany and Argentina to Australia, in Capljina, the Muslim children were not allowed to participate. For as much progress as we experienced this trip, there is still so much work to be done on the heart. Our prayer walk continued . . .

We made our usual trek around the city. It is always a wonderful reminder of God's timing and presence. Invariably, He has answered at least one prayer, while other buildings prayed over for years remain in ruins. Our next stop, a former tobacco factory, is riddled with graffiti and continues to rob the teens of Capljina of their youth. It has become a haven for drugs and alcoholism, but this time, amidst the same names prayed over trip after trip, we found praise for the new mayor and expressions of love, while adolescents played soccer in the light of day between the hollowed out shells of what was once a thriving icon of economic prosperity. Tides changing?

Further down the road, we come to the Serbian Orthodox church, bombed out for almost 15 years - a reminder of war and destruction. Today, it is rebuilt, readying itself for opening day, while Pastor Bernard prepares to endear himself to the new priest as he has to the Imam and the Franciscan Priest. The Serbian people will have a place to worship. Another fence will come down, when the scaffolding is removed. Hallelujah!

We ended our day with the jewelry making outreach. This time our mission was different. We planned only to invite the unchurched, the unreached. Our hopes were high for a large turnout, but only one woman, Hermina, came. She was the mother of one of the disabled men from the center Wednesday night. BJ, Nancy and John loved on this family as if they were the only ones in the room, lavishing them with attention and the love of Christ.
Although a showing of one was at first disappointing, Hermina promised to return to the church. A lesson in God's timing, the strength of one, the power of love? Perhaps. I see it as Oswald Chambers stated in "My Utmost for His Highest," . . .
"One life totally devoted to God is of more value to Him than one hundred lives which have been simply awakened by His Spirit."
Friday was a powerful day full of lessons from God above. So much is happening in the city of Capljina, but so much is left to do. Jesus teaches us to pray
"Give us today our Daily Bread" Matthew 6:11. This was never so real to me than last Friday, the "Dan Kruha". We petition for our future, but Christ gives us enough for today. One life leaning toward him, enough food to eat, another fence to tear down and the strength to do it, and one more group of people whose absence is felt and acknowledged, an emptiness, work still needed to be done. Give us our daily bread and the courage to act with the Divine strength it gives us, for today.
Be a Blessing,
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