It has been awhile since my last post. I find blogging much like journaling. Sometimes, like wildfires needing a fire-stop, the inspirations come to me. I feel very much in a place of seeking and wonder. Questions fill my mind at every turn, provoked by thoughts, memories or fresh, new experiences. Lately, however, I am more wanderer than wonderer. Seeking again the light I seem to have lost. Desert. Discouragement. Personal Circumstance. Suppressed emotion. Global crises. Like stormy clouds suddenly blotting out the intensity of sunshine, darkness prevails, as I stand disoriented and confused. How did I get here? This is life on every level, whether dealing with personal setbacks, community challenges or matters of global proportions and catastrophic consequence. Yet, as Christians, we hang tight to hope. Hope in a sovereign God, merciful and faithful, the One who is omniscient and omnipotent. Knowing where we have been and where we are going, we place our trust, our Faith in Him. Trust? Faith? "The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see." (Hebrews 11:1, The Msg)
But we have seen it! Henri Nouwen writes, it is because we have known intimately the presence of the Light, that we seek it with such fervor. It is why, in these trough times, we seek it all the more -- when circumstances of this world inhibit God's plan for us and subvert our spiritual walk. When the Enemy pounces to distract us, to instill doubts, trying to extinguish the Light, a light we so easily forget is radiating from within us! Like the candle fading to a peaceful glow, its wick no longer visible as it burns deep inside the unique and special creation, we find our Light and our Light is God in us!
I look to my friends in Bosnia as role models, as over-comers. I acknowledge their unwavering faith. I recall their praises to our King not only for what He has done, for each life given to Christ, for every outreach to the addicted, the least, the lost the broken, where hearts and minds have opened, but also for what He is going to do, for all there is left to do. Because of their faith in a God of promises, a God who is the "I am," not One of circumstance but a faithful Father who is who He claims, I am reminded of His sovereignty, His mercy, His love. With my heart afire, I know, then, He is guiding me into the warm glow of the Light inside of me through His "Whispers in the Dark" . . .
You'll never be alone
When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars
Hear my whispers in the dark
You'll never be alone
When darkness comes you know I'm never far
Hear my whispers in the dark"
© skillet
Still in One Peace,